By booking you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Please take the time to read them.
The easiest way to book a class or course is online. We collect and use some personal information - please refer to our Privacy Policy, available on this website.
Payment must generally be made by PayPal or credit card through our website to make a reservation. We do not accept cash, cheques or digital currencies (yet!).
You are enrolled in a class or course when you book, we receive your payment and we send you a confirming email. If we are at a market we won’t usually send you an email.
Menu and course can change
We always aim to deliver what we have advertised: menus, classes and courses.
But for menus particularly, take our advertised content as a good guide rather than a strict promise. Things don’t always go as planned: occasionally it is not possible or practicable to stick to what we plan. For example, certain foods may not be available in time or at all or may not be available at the quality we need. Advertised chefs may not be able to attend.
We may change menus, classes and courses, without letting you know before hand. Our website will not always be updated to reflect changes. We don’t give refunds or credits if this happens.
If we cancel a class or course
Occasionally it may be necessary for us to cancel a class or course. Reasons can include that minimum student numbers have not been met, or our rostered chef is unwell.
We will do always our best to give as much notice as is practicable – our goal is to give at least 3 days’ notice. But the world is an imperfect place, and sometimes notice may be shorter.
If we are moving the class or course to another time, we will let you know, and you can if you wish attend at that new time. Or subject to availability we can move you to another equivalent class. Otherwise, you may prefer a refund or credit. If you have booked using a gift card or a credit, we reinstate the amount you used. No other compensation is payable.
What if I want to cancel a class?
If you wish to cancel a class, then we generally require at least 7 days’ notice. You can choose a refund or credit. If you have booked using a gift card or a credit, we reinstate the amount you used. Email us: Phone, text or voicemail cancellations are not accepted.
Cancellations within 7 days of the class are not accepted but remember that classes are transferable so you can for arrange someone to attend in your place – just let us know.
What if I want to move a class?
If you wish to move a class, then we generally require at least 7 days’ notice. Jump online or email us: Phone, text or voicemail changes are not accepted. If there is a difference in price, you will need to pay the difference (or we will give you a credit as relevant).
Changes within 7 days of the class are not accepted but remember that classes are transferable so you can arrange for someone to attend in your place. Let us know.
At a market, speak to us and we will see what we can do at the time.
What if I want to cancel a course?
The course is a series of classes that you can enrol in. On a per class basis, taking a course is more cost effective.
If you wish to cancel a course before it's started, then we generally require at least 7 days’ notice. You can choose a refund or credit. If you have booked using a gift card or a credit, we reinstate the amount you used. Email us: Phone, text or voicemail cancellations are not accepted.
Cancellations within 7 days of the start of the course are not accepted but remember that before they start, courses are transferable so you can for arrange someone to attend the entire course in your place – just let us know.
Once a course has started, only the person enrolled can attend: substitutions are not allowed.
We don't give refunds or credits if a course has started but you then can't attend one or more of the remaining classes.
What if I want to move a course?
If you wish to move a course before it has started, then we generally require at least 7 days’ notice. Email us: Phone, text or voicemail changes are not accepted. If there is a difference in price, you will need to pay the difference (or we will give you a credit as relevant).
Changes within 7 days of the course starting are not accepted but remember that before they start, courses are transferable so you can arrange for someone to attend the entire course in your place – just let us know.
We don't give refunds or credits if a course has started but you then can't attend one or more of the remaining classes.
Group events
Group events - functions, schools, birthdays and family dinners, restaurant and corporate gatherings – are subject to additional terms and conditions, which we can explain before you book. They include as to:
ð date,
ð price,
ð numbers,
ð hours,
ð staffing needs, and
ð menu and wines.
Usually, we will require a 50% deposit on booking and 50% a week before. If you cancel two or more weeks beforehand, we will refund half the deposit. Cancellations by you after this forfeit all monies paid to that time.
Online gift vouchers, physical gift cards and credits
The easiest way to buy a gift voucher is online. You may also activate one of our physical gift cards online. And sometimes we may issue you with a credit.
Gift vouchers, gift cards and credits can be used towards any of our products or services. Gift vouchers and gift cards are not refundable. Gift vouchers, gift cards and credits are not redeemable for cash. All are transferable. If you use y of these for less than its then current value, the unused balance remains available for you to use. Gift vouchers are delivered electronically and we may charge up to $5 + postage if we agree to send a physical gift card. Gift card activation, and also credits, are confirmed by email.
All expire one year after issue. Each has a unique reference, which must be kept safe - we will usually redeem the value to any person who has possession of this unique reference without further enquiries. If you lose a gift voucher or gift card, please contact us promptly and provided the lost one hasn’t been used, we can replace it.
Promotions and special offers
Promotions and special offers can generally not be used in conjunction with any other promotion or special offer. But you can pay for promotions and special offers with gift vouchers, gift cards and credits.
We occasionally offer giveaways. Often, if you give us your name and email, in return we offer the chance to win a voucher. We select the winner randomly. A win-win: we will add you to our email list (we have a privacy policy on our website), and you may end up with a free night at our school! Children can enter and don’t need adult permission, but all the usual rules apply, for example as to what age you need to be to attend. If a child wins we will take instructions from their parents in precedence to the child as to what they want to do with the voucher. We will email the winner but if we don’t hear back from them within 7 days we may select another winner.
Cook’s Club
We are designing an annual benefits package for those who get serious about spending time with us at the school! Watch this space!
Online shopping
You may find various things available for sale at the school. Prices are marked else are available on request. Packing and shipping of larger items is usually extra. Sending things can take time and result in damage, for which we are not responsible. Returns are at our discretion.
We are also working on making purchases available online. Watch this space!
We would love that you share your glowing reviews, photos and videos of the school online. Be sure to tag us!
Be respectful if photographing or filming other attendees - not everyone wants to be in your feed.
From time to time we may record classes or course sessions and take photographs which can include you and what you cook! Unless you specifically request us, we may use these, and the fact that you have attended, in the promotion of our school.
If you're unhappy, then we encourage you to get in contact with us. We will use reasonable endeavours to resolve your complaint as far as is practicable within a reasonable time frame. We reserve the right to respond to and remove posts, block users, remove users from mail lists and not accept further bookings.
Wellness, safety and behaviour
If you are unwell, we strongly encourage you to act responsibly and not attend a booked class or course. If we believe that you are unwell and that this may pose a real health risk to us or other attendees, we can refuse your entry. See above for how and when you might be able to change courses and classes.
Food preparation involves risks, including injury from knives, heat and electricity. By attending a class, you accept the risks, for yourself and anyone you are supervising.
You promise to take reasonable care when attending the school – as a paying student or otherwise - and must make sure that those you are supervising also do so.
Those attending as a paying student or otherwise must follow all our directions in a timely way and must make sure that those people that they supervise also do so. For example, as to washing hands, safe knife use, cleanliness, the use of equipment, leaving the premises on closing, and distancing and other pandemic management steps such as masks.
Responsibility for all the consequences suffered from not following our directions lies with the person not doing what we ask. We reserve the right to exclude you from participation in a class or course (or coming into the school) if you do not follow our directions. In this case, we would not usually offer you a refund or credit. Directions may be different for different people (for example, directions might be different for children).
We expect those who come to the school to treat our staff and others who attend our courses with safety and respect. We reserve the right to exclude you from participation in a class or course you are attending or have booked or may attend in the future, or come into the school if you act in a way we consider unsafe or disrespectful. In this case, we would not usually offer a refund or credit.
We comply with and promote the responsible service of alcohol. We can refuse further service of alcohol.
If you are participating in a class or course, you must wear shoes that have a closed-toe cap. If it shows toes, it’s a no-go! Reasons for this include that dropped kitchen items, like knives, pots pans and hot liquids and foods, can cause serious injury, and these offer better protection (but not always perfect protection).
We reserve the right to exclude you from participation in a class or course if you don’t wear shoes that we consider acceptable. In this case, we would usually don’t offer you a refund or credit. If there's doubt as to what meets our standard, we make the decision.
We have hand sanitiser, aprons and disposable gloves available for use at the school.
If you are supervising someone attending one of our classes, for example a teenager or a child, then you are responsible for supervising them effectively and making sure that their behaviour is consistent with our terms and conditions.
We do serve alcohol as part of some classes and courses. Depending on the class, alcohol, or a specified amount, may be included for each person or for a group. Alcohol is always also available for purchase. It is your responsibility to get to and from the school safely.
You may BYO bottled wine. We do not serve spirits or allow BYO spirits or beer.
We have sparkling and chilled tap water available free, as well as tea, coffee and soft drinks. Feel free to bring your own water bottles.
If you buy alcohol from us but do not consume it all, the law prohibits you from taking it home.
If we have issues, then we would usually call the Rangers and/or the Police.
Taking food home
If you prepared food at the school but haven't finished it all, you may if you choose to take it home - it's up to you, but always remember that food can spoil very quickly if you don't store it properly.
We are not responsible for your food allergies and intolerances.
The school is always busy, with lots of people handling and using our equipment to prepare all food types. We cannot, and do not, guarantee that our environment is safe for those with food allergies or intolerances. This is the case even if you let us know about these, and even if we make adjustments for you.
We rely in good faith on product labelling, which can be wrong or incomplete. We do not have Epi-pens at the school.
If in doubt, call us and discuss your needs, and if you are still in doubt, play it safe and don’t book.
Age limits
We usually enforce stated age limits on classes and courses. We usually require one responsible paying adult to supervise each child who is attending a class. We do however run events, especially for teenagers and children - keep an eye out on our website. For reasons that include safety, children less than 8 years old cannot attend the school.
Age is at the time of attendance. We can require ID to be provided, for age, service of alcohol and other verification reasons such as when redeeming a gift card or a gift voucher or transferring a class to someone else.
What else?
Courses and classes require you to stand for longer periods.
If you leave something behind at the school, contact us: we keep things we find for 6 months and then generally give them to charity.
You must pay for damage and breakages. If we have payment details such as a credit card, we are authorised irrevocably to charge that for costs. When for example we say not to put a hot pan down on a particular surface, don’t.
We take reasonable care in the operation of our school. We use reasonable endeavours to make sure those who assist us also do so.
We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone if we feel they cannot attend the class without running a risk of injuring themselves or someone else. We usually don’t give a refund or credit if this happens.
We seek to meet all relevant legal requirements, including all food and alcohol regulations applicable to our business. Be aware these may be different than you think: the school is located on land administered by the Sydney Harbour Trust, and laws that apply to them may be different to many NSW and other laws.
We rely on good faith on our suppliers providing food which meets all relevant health requirements. And as mentioned, we also rely in good faith on all food labelling.
We are not responsible for your behaviour or that of other clients. We are not responsible for supervision of anybody less then 18 years old - this is the responsibility of the person accompanying them.
The school is located in the North Head Sanctuary, an area administered by the Sydney Harbour Trust, and we are not responsible for them, those they employ (such as security, and rangers enforcing as parking restrictions) or their policies (such as access times). We encourage you to be respectful of the area - its heritage as well as plants and animals.
North Head Sanctuary is a quiet and some would say isolated place: mobile phone service can be patchy. There are no EV charging facilities. There is no defibrillator near the school.
Occasionally we may have guest chefs. Generally these people will not be our employees and our responsibility for them may be more limited.
Website and our socials
We own this website and its content as well as content we post on our socials such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest– our socials. If you'd like to link to our website, please contact us. We are not responsible for where you might end up outside the website if you click any link. Information from third parties which is reproduced is done so in good faith: we are not responsible for information sourced from third parties. We may place advertising on our socials: if you use an ad blocker, we may restrict your access.
When we are roving - out and about, such as at markets- these terms apply to the extent of any inconsistencies with others:
What’s included
þ we will tell you at our stand
What’s the price
þ we will tell you at our stand
þ Each child must have a paying adult supervising at all times.
þ A child is someone 17 years old or younger.
þ Minimum age 8 years old, except for classes with no stoves
þ Supervision means active and careful supervision in the cooking area at all times.
þ We may stop participation where children are not reasonably behaved
Safety and behaviour
þ There is a risk of burns and cuts.
þ Only paying participants are permitted in the cooking area.
þ Parents must actively and carefully supervise children at all times.
þ Parents are solely responsible for their children.
þ Children must be well-behaved: we decide on this standard.
þ We may refuse or end participation if rules and directions are not followed.
Allergies and requests
þ Our food may contain allergens.
þ including eggs, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, soy and wheat
þ We cannot cater for special dietary needs
þ for example, dairy free, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, keto, pescatarian, paleo and so on.
What else?
þ Arrive 5 minutes early; late arrivals may not be able to be accommodated.
þ No refunds.
The lawyers made us do it
Pesky lawyers.
We can waive terms and conditions as we decide, for whoever we decide.
Our intellectual property is ours, but if you pay for a class or course, you may use the intellectual property associated with that class or course for private use and share it with other people for private use. Generally, this will mostly be our recipes and methods.
References to money are to Australian dollars. Stated prices are inclusive of GST. Other supplies are grossed up for GST, for example amounts payable under an indemnity.
Our entire agreement with you is set out in these terms and conditions and this includes our Frequently Asked Questions. If there is inconsistency, the FAQs come second. To the extent that the law does not prohibit this, all other obligations are excluded. We don't have any special relationship with you for example any sort of fiduciary responsibility.
We're not responsible for special loss or damages including consequential and economic loss, nor are we responsible for any events beyond our reasonable control. If you cause us or any person who assist us loss, we can recover this against you. You indemnify us for all loss that we or they suffer, and this includes all legal costs.
Examples in these terms and conditions are not exhaustive. If any part of these terms and conditions are invalid or unenforceable, then they may be read down or severed and doing so doesn’t affect the balance.
The terms and conditions which apply are the terms and conditions current at the time that you attend the class. We can update these terms and conditions anytime and do not need to give you notice. You should check in on the terms and conditions before you attend your class.
We can assign our rights and novate our obligations under our agreement with you to anybody we choose and do not need to give you notice.
If we need to communicate with you, then sending that communication to the email address that you have given us is sufficient provided that we have no reason to suspect that delivery has failed. Or we can use any other contact details that you have given. It's up to you to read your emails in a timely way and make sure that our emails don't go to your junk.
Emails can transmit viruses and we don’t promise that our communications are always healthy. Be virus-safe and run protection.
Your agreement with us is governed exclusively by NSW courts.
We are RL Manly Pty Ltd ABN 14 643 203 829 trading as Manly Cooking School and Roving Larder Manly.
Copyright © 2023 Roving Larder - All Rights Reserved.
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